Start using Foxit’s free PDF Reader today to find out why it’s the leading PDF Reader tool in the industry. Our PDF Reader tool is effective, fast, and easy to use for all purposes, making it the best option for students, business professionals, enterprise companies, and more. Why Choose Foxit?įoxit offers the industry’s most robust PDF technology and hundreds of thousands of users prefer it over others. To create PDFs, you can use Foxit’s PDF Reader to upload scans or convert Word documents, Powerpoint presentations, and Excel sheets. To start using the Foxit PDF Reader today, simply download the Foxit PDF Reader to your device and start using it! Get the most out of our robust PDF Reader tool by uploading, creating, sharing, and securing your PDFs. Plus, it integrates with Enterprise Content Management systems and cloud storage services, making it an ideal solution. Our PDF Reading tool is designed to meet the needs of individual, enterprise, and government organizations. The Office-style ribbon toolbar is a familiar user interface that’s very intuitive for current Office users. In the bottom left of the window that opened you will be able to see what version of Foxit Reader you are running.Try the Best PDF Viewer Tool from Foxit Softwareįoxit’s PDF Reader software is effective and easy to use for all purposes.To check which version you have and if it has been updated in Foxit Reader, click on Tools > About Foxit Reader.In the left column, click Language then select English and click Ok. If in the meantime, the software language has changed you can reset it by clicking Tools > Preferences.If this is not the case, close and reopen Foxit Reader then a message will appear confirming the update has been installed. Once it's done, the update should automatically be applied to the program. Following this step, the update will appear and you should click Install.

If there is a possible update, click Add. In the window that opens, scroll down the left column to Reader updater and click on it.Open Foxit Reader and in top right corner click on Help > Check for updates.In this article we will show you how to do so.

It is importnat to update it regularly in order to take advantage of security updates and new software. Foxit Reader is an alternative PDF reader to Adobe Reader.